Thursday, November 18, 2010

Council Minutes: November 10, 2010 Special Meeting

November 10, 2010
5:00 PM
David Urban
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tammy Seirer, Tarry Dougherty, Kenny Cain, Trent Leach
EMPLOYEES: Kay Mettlen, Gary Bretz
5:00 PM Mayor David Urban called the Special Meeting to order. The meeting was called at the request of the following three Council members: Tarry Dougherty, Tammy Seirer, Kenneth Cain. The agenda item: Discussion on Purchase of Truck with a Snow Blade. Tammy Seirer moved to send Kenny Cain and Gary Bretz to Kanas City to look at a 2002 GMC Truck with a snow blade and salt spreader and authorize them to purchase the truck at a price of no more than $20,000.00 if it passes their inspection. Kenny Cain seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
5:29 PM Tammy Seirer moved to adjourn the meeting. Kenny Cain seconded, motion carried 4 yes votes.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Council Minutes: November 9, 2010 Regular Meeting

November 9, 2010
Page 1
David Urban
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tammy Seirer, Tarry Dougherty, Kenny Cain, Trent Leach, and Sheree Herold
EMPLOYEES: Julie Bretz, Kay Mettlen, Gary Bretz, Gary Ward, James Rezabek, Bill Harlow
OTHERS PRESENT TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Pam Gudenkauf and Katrina Woelk - Gudenkauf and Malone, Russell Yarnell - Bartlett and West
CITIZENS: Douglas Hickman, Richard Mettlen, Tammy Hower
7:01 PM Mayor David Urban called the meeting to order. Tammy Seirer moved to approve the minutes of the October 12, 2010 Special Meeting, October 12, 2010 Regular Meeting and the November 8, 2010 Special Meeting. Tarry Dougherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:01 PM Katrina Woelk of Gudenkauf and Malone presented the 2009 audit report to theCouncil. Trent Leach moved to approve the audit. Sheree Herold seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:06 PM Russell Yarnell representing Bartlett and West addressed the council about the sewer lagoon. Russell will send a letter to the Kansas State Department of Health and Environment with several optiions in reply to their directive requiring a permanent plan to regulate the levesl of water in the lagoons. Three options would be 1. A permanent discharge line to Wolf Creek, 2. Construction of a third lagoon cell, 3. Irrigaing on the adjoining farm ground. Russell will draft a leetter and get it to the State before the December 1, 2010 deadlilne.
7:24 PM City Council reviewed the current procurement policy. Council asked Ken Cole to draft a new policy that would allow City employees to make purchases of recurring supplies for the water and waste water systems and mosquito spray without Councl aproval, even if the amount exceeds the procurement limit. No other changes were made. Ken cole will re-write the policy for Council's approval.
7:46 PM The City Christmas Party will be held at 6:00 PM on December 18, 2010 at Mayor David Urban's home. A gift exchange will be held, gifts are not to exceed $15.00 in cost.
7:47 PM Several citizens have expressed interest in having houses demolished in a cost sharing plan with the City. City Clerk is to send letters to owners of structures who do not get a utility bill that might be interested in this plan.
7:56 PM Council discussed outright selling, lease purcahse and rent to own options for selling the Golden Living Center property.
8:09 PM Pam Gudenkauf and Katerina Woelk left the meeting. Mayor David Urban appointed a committee of Tarry Dougherty, Sheree Herold and himself to meet with realtor Lois Cooper and make recommendations to the Council on an agreement for lease purchase, rent to own, outright purchase and possible incentives the city could offer to a potential buyer for the Rest Home property.
8:13 PM Russell Yarnell left the meeting. Sheree Herold moved to renew the current Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance contract. Kenny Cain seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes. Trent Leach moved to send a letter of intent to join the State Plan for Health Insurance with a joining date of March 1, 2011. Sheree Herold seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
8:38 PM Gary Bretz asked the council to consider purcahseing safety coats for the employees for this winter. Tammy Seirer asked for prices on the coats. Cost is $69.99 per coat. He also asked the Council if they wanted to replace more street signs. Only about 1/3 of the signs have been replaced and some are rusted and faded. Council asked for a list of signs that need replacing. The John Deere tractor had a leak in the fuel tan. It was repaired and is holding at this time. A replacement tank would cost $350 if the tank has to be replaced. Gary Bretz told the council there is a need for a trailer to put the 1000 gallon tank on that is used to move brine from the nitrate plant to the sewer lagoon. The Council instructed Gary Bretz to get prices on a trailer and report back.
8:46 PM James Reszabek would like permission to purchase fire hydrants to have on hand in the event one needs to be replaced. There are several that need repaired. Our supplier said if the hydrant is older than a 1975 model parts are not available. Tammy Seirer moved to purchase 2 - 3 outlet Mueller hydrants at $1,587.00 each. Tarry Dougherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:52 PM Gary Ward and Bill Harlow had no report.
8:54 PM Julie Bretz, City Clerk, asked about the water leak at the Jones Pasture. Council consensus was to send a bill to the tenant for 1/2 of the 81,000 gallon that was used in the past two months due to the leak. Julie Breetz asked about the KPERS life insurance option. Employees would pay their own premiums there would be no cost to the City. Council consensus was that the employees could take the insurance if they choose to. The letter from the Lucas library was approved to be placed int the November utility billings. Julie Bretz shared a letter from Scott Bird of Ottawa, KS in support of the City Clerks educational programs. She also reported in a letter about the recent City Clerks school and shared information on audits that are being conducted by the IRS on City policies. Employee policies must be in a written form so they can be shared with IRS representatives. A new publication will be available from the Kansas League of Municipalitise on legal changes that apply to employee handbooks.
9:07 PM Kay Mettlen reported that she had inquired about the Kansas Department of Commere Rural Development Grants that could help fund park improvements. The grants are due by the first Friday of December each year and are awarded the following March. The grant will fund up to 60% of the project up to $125,000 with matching funds or in-kind considerations funding the other 40%. Colin Whitley of the Kansas Power Pool provided us with a contact to ask what other Cities have done to comply with the EPA guidelines on Contaminate Containment. The information was passed on to Gary Ward, City Electrician.
9:14 PM Kenny cain moved to approve the bills as presented. Tarry Dougherty seconded. Motion passed 4 yes vote. Tammy Seirer cast a no vote.
9:15 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to accept the arrearage plan presented by Ken Cole allowing past due customers 6 months to pay their past due accounts. Each monthe the customers would be required to pay 1/6 of their past due account and all of their current billing. Beginning with the January billing this plan will be in effect. Kenny Cain seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
9:25 PM Kenny Cain asked Ken Cole about the Energy Efficiency Plan. Ken cole said he would like information from other Cities that are implementing the plan to see how it was working for them and if they would do it again. His opinion was that it would be difficult to administer.
9:30 PM Tammy Seirer reported she had completed employee reviews and would be reporting on them during Executive Session.
9:31 PM Tarry Dougherty, Trent Leach and Sheree Herold had no report. Tammy Seirer moved to enter into a 30 minute Executive Session at 9:40 to discuss non-elected personnel - job performance. Tarry Dougherty seconded. Motion carreied 5 yes votes. Ken Cole and Bill harlow were asked to remain for the executive session.
9:32 PM Tammy Hower, Julie Bretz, Gary Ward, James Rezabek, Doug Hickman, Gary Bretz and Kay Mettlen left the meeting.
9:40 PM Council entered Executive Session.
10:10 PM Council exited Executive Session. No action was taken. Tammy Seirer moved to purchase a new computer for the office at a cost not to exceed $1,000.00. Tarry Dougherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes. Tammy Seirer moved to purchase Quick Books to use for the accounting program for the City. Sheree Herold seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
10:40 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to adjourn the meeting. Tammy Seirer seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Agenda for November 12, 2010 Regular Council Meeting

DATE: November 9, 2010
1. Call to Order 7:00 PM
2 Approval of minutes of October 12, 2010 Special Meeting, October 12, 2010 Regular Meeting and the November 8, 2010 Special Meeting
3. Others bringing business before the Council: Gudenkauf and Malone - Audit Report, Russell Yarnell representaing Bartlett and West - Sewer Lagoon
4. Citizens bringing business before the Council
5. Old Business

a. Procurement Policy
b. Christmas Party
c. Housing report
d. Sewer Lagoon
e. Golden Living Facility
6. New business
a. Health Insurance
7. Montly report from City Employees
a. Gary Bretz b. James Rezabek c. Gary Ward d. Bill Harloww c. Julie Bretz
d. Kay Mettlen
8. Approval of expenses presented for payment.
9. Other Busines if any
10. Committee Reports: Utilities, Personnel, Streets, Parks, Industrial Development.
11. Executive Session - Job Performance non-elected personnel.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Agenda for November 8, 2010 Special Meeting


DATE: November 8, 2010
1. Call to Order 7:00 PM
2. Discuss Golden Living Facility