Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Council Minutes: Special Meeting January 2, 2009

JANUARY 2, 2009
7:00 PM
MAYOR: Jennifer Bates
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kay Marshall, Alvin Barta, Barry Maupin
EMPLOYEES: Kay Mettlen, Julie Bretz
OTHERS ATTENDING: John Rhudolph, Jessica Rhudolph, Lois Cooper, Tammy Hower, Douglas Hickman, Linda Brant, Connie Dougherty, Tarry Dougherty, Tammy Seirer, Craig Langdon, Don Aney, Gjerturd Aney, Rita M. Sharp, Dawn Bricker, Tony Bricker, Chris Leach, Richard Mettlen, Lynn Schneider
7:13 PM Mayor Jennifer Bates called the meeting to order informing the group that three Council Members had requested a Special Meeting to discuss the proposed acquisition of the Golden Living Center property. Golden Living has offered the City of Lucas first chance to purchase the Golden Living Center property in Lucas at a price of $100,000.00. Included in the purchase is the existing nursing home building and contents, two storage buildings, and generator. Damages caused by a broken water pipe in the laundry area will be repaired and restored to the condition it was in prior to the water damage. There is a deed stipulation that a skilled nursing home facility cannot be operated on the property for 25 years following the sale. The purchase offer is good until January 15, 2009.
7:29 PM Trent Leach arrived. The Mayor invited comments from the audience.
7:35 PM Trent Leach moved the Council enter Executive Session at 8:40 for 15 minutes.
7:40 PM Council entered Executive Session.
8:05 PM Council exited Executive Session. Funding possibilities were discussed. Kay Marshall moved to purchase the property known as the Golden Living Center including the building, approximately 5 acres, contents of the building, storage sheds, generator and fuel tank for $100,000.00. Barry Maupin seconded. Kay Marshall made a friendly amendment to the motion to include the stipulation that repairs be made to the building to return it to pre-offer condition. Barry Maupin seconded the ammendment to the motion. Motion carried 3 yes votes. Alvin Barta cast an opposing vote.
8:35 PM Barry Maupin moved to adjourn the meeting. Trent Leach seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Council Minutes: January 13, 2009 Regular Meeting

JANUARY 13, 2009
7:00 PM
MAYOR: Jennifer Bates
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kay Marshall, Alvin Barta, Barry Maupin, Trent Leach
EMPLOYEES: Kay Mettlen, Julie Bretz
OTHERS ATTENDING: Tammy Hower, Tammy Seirer, Dawn Bricker, Connie Dougherty, Linda Brant, Lynn Schneider, Doug Hickman, Jessica Rhudolph
7:00 PM: Mayor Jennifer Bates called the meeting to order.
7:02 PM: Barry Maupin moved the minutes of the December 16, 2008 regular meeting be approved as presented, and the minutes of the January 2, 2009 Special Meeting be approved as corrected. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
7:03 PM: James Rezabek arrived at the meeting.
7:04 PM: Tammy Seirer asked the Council if they wanted the Focus Group to continue pursuing future uses and marketing ideas for the Golden Living Center facility. Council asked them to
7:05 PM: Cindy Wallace arrived.
7:07 PM: City attorney Ken cole reported that he has not received any repy from Deanna, Dell and Dean Mettlen on the sewer easement. Council members instructed Ken Cole to pursue easements with adjoining properties. James Rezabek reported that levels on the lagoons are accptable at this time and test sample reports have been sent to the State.
7:11 PM: Barry Maupin moved to approve Ordinance#375 repealing Ordinance #268 replacing Article 1 Section 1 defining vicious animals. Kay Marshall seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
7:20 PM: Lyn Leach and Chris Leach arrived at the meeting. Barry Maupin moved to adopt Ordinance #376 repealing Ordinance #335 regarding dogs running at large and setting an impoundment fee of $25.00. Kay Marshall seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes. Trent Leach moved to set a boarding fee of $10.00 per day. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
7:23 PM: Cindy Wallace of Russell County Economic Development and John Haas of Ransom Financial Consultants shared information on General Obilication Bonds with the Council. Bill Schneider arrived at the meeting. John Haas explained that General Obligation Bonds are the most economical means to fund economic development. The City Council must adopt an ordinance within 60 days of closing on the purchase of the Goldne Living Center property to allow the flexibility to set up and sell a General Obligation Bond in the future. Cindy Wallace reported on several contacts she is working with who are looking for property in this area.
7:50 PM: Kay Marshall moved to accept Charter Ordinance #9 exempting the City of Lucas from KSA 15-201 and KSA 25-2017 relating to elections of Mayor and Council positions and filling vacancies in council Postiions and repealing Charter Ordinance #4. Barry Maupin seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:56 PM: No action was taken on joining the State Group Plan for Health coverage.
8:09 PM: Alvin Barta moved to raise the penalty rate for past due utilities from the rate of 5% of the past due amount to 10%. Kay Marshall seconded the motion. Motion carried5 yes votes.
8:11 PM: Trent Leach moved to send the city clerk and City treasurer to the Advanced Municipal Finance course on Saturday, January 24, 2009 in Liberal. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:14 PM: Trent Leach moved that the Mayor sign the lietter of intent with Gudenkauf and Malone stipulationg that a cash audit be done in May, the 2008 General Ledger be taken to the auditors as soon as possible when the 2008 books are closed, information from the cash audit be given to the City by the first or second week of July and the yearly fee to be $80 per hour not to exceel $4,400.00. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:28 PM: Bill Schneider left the meeting. Lynn Schneider asked the council to consider the annual investment in the Chamber of Commerce.
8:34 PM: Bill Schneider returned to the meeting. Trent Leach moved to invest $10,000.00 in the Lucas Chamber of Commerce for the year 2009. The investment is to be paid in $2,500.00 installments at the beginning of each quarter. Kay Marshall seconded. Motion carried 3 yes votes. Alvin Barta cast the negative vote.
8:44 PM: Barry Maupin moved to approve the airport hanger leases for 2009. Kay Marshall seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:48 PM: Connie Dougherty left the meeting.
8:51 PM: Barry Maupin moved to adopt Standard Traffic Ordinance #377 repealing Ordinance #268. Trent Leach seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:55 PM: Kay Marshall moved to pay the Kansas Municipal Insurance Trust the deposit on our Workman's Comprehensive Insurance coverage in the amount of $3,707.00. Barry Maupin seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:57 PM: Dawn Bricker and Jessica Rhudoloph left the meeting. The KMEA Mutual Aid Agreement was next to discuss. Julie Bretz informed the council Tony turner from KMEA phoned with information on MKEC's overcharging 5 Kansas Cities who take WAPA power. Copies of bills were sent to Tony Turner and he will figure up the amount overcharged. He wanted to council to know ahead of time that a lawyer may have to be hired to handle the claim against our electric provider, MKEC. The total lawyer fee may be $4,000.00 with Lucas paying up to a fifth of the fee. Tony Turner said the overage to Lucas could result in a possible recovery amount of up to $10,000.00 No action was taken. Alvin Barta moved to pass RESOLUTION NO 09-01 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MEMBERSHIP OF THE CITY OF LUCAS, KANSAS IN THE KANSAS MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY"S MUTUAL AID PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN SAID MUTUAL AID PROGRAM. Trent Leach seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
9:09 PM: A payment of $5000.00 earnest money has been wired to Golden Living Center. Repairs are being completed to the water damage and water leaks in the facility. Closing date is tentatively set for January 21, 2009. Trent Leach moved that the City Council instruct the City Clerk to work with the City's insurance carrier so adequate coverage of the Golden Living Center Facility is in place at the time of closing. Alvin Barta seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
9:31 PM: Bill Schneider left the meeting.
9:32 PM: Doug Hickman left the meeting.
9:33 PM: An Architectural Agreement from Alpha Omega Designs was received regarding the Bowl Plaza. No action was taken. Clerk is instructed to ask Rosslyn Schultz to attend the February 2009 Council meeting to clairfy the agreement.
9:35 PM: Barry Maupin left the meeting.
9:37 PM: Barry Maupin returned to the meeting.
9:39 PM: Tammy Hower left the meeting.
9:40 PM: Linda Brant and Lyn Schneider left the meeting.
9:44 PM: Chris Leach left the meeting.
9:47 PM: Chris Leach returned to the meeting. Barry Maupin moved to loan $50,000.00 from the General Fund and $50,000.00 from the Electric Fund to the Industrial Development Fund to purchase the Golden Living Center facility and property and to repay it when a General Obligation bond is received. Kay Marshall seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
10:00 PM: Ken cole was asked to prepare and Ordinance on the General Obligation Bond and present it at the february 2009 Meeting. Repairs to the parking lot at the Lucas United Methodist church were discussed.
10:11 PM: Lyn Leach left the meeting. council asked that Ken Cole bring a job description for the City Electrician position to the February 2009 meeting.
10:12 PM: Kay Marshall moved to approve the bills as submitted. Barry Maupin seconded. Motin carried 4 yes votes.
10:13 PM: James Rezabek reported he had talked to Bobby Rose at Luray about the possibility of splitting a load of oil for stret repairs in the future. Water valves will be rotated as weather premits. Bill Harlow sent notices to the Kanas Power Pool informational meeting has been rescheduled for January 21, 2009 at 5:30 at the Lucas Area Community Theater.
10:14 PM: Julie Bretz asked for council approval allowing City employees to attend the Kansas Rural Water Association annual conference in March. Alvin Barta moved to send James Rezabek and Julie Bretz to the KRWA Conference in March. Barry Maupin seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
10:26 PM: Kay Mettlen reported the CINTAS contract has been returned and uniforms from CINTAS should be delivered by the end of January.
10:27 PM: Council Committee report from Alvin Barta said that James Rezabek did a good job on snow removal. Trent Leach had no report on streets. Barry Maupin for Parks reported on the Lucas Luray School's request to use the baseball field for 2 or 3 games in the spring. Council approved the request. Kay Marshall reported that Industrial Development is continuing to look into uses for the Golden Living Center property.
10:30 PM: Barry Maupin moved the Council enter into Executive Session for 15 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel matters beginningat 10:35 PM. Alvin Barta seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
10:50 PM: Council exited Executive Session. No action was taken.
10:55 PM: Barry Maupin moved to adjourn. Alvin Barta seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Agenda for January 13, 2009 Regular Council Meeting


DATE: January 13, 2009
1. Call to order 7:00 Lucas Civic Center
2. Reading and approval of minutes from the December 16, 2008 regular Council Meeting
and the January 2, 2009 Special Meeting.
3. Citizens bringing business before the Council.
4. Other scheduled persons present for City business: Cindy Wallace RCED and John Hass of Ransom and Associates - General Obligation Bonds.
5. Old Business
a. Sewer easement
b. Dog Ordinance Changes
c. Charter Ordinance - Appointments to Council vacancies
d. Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Joining the State Plan
e. Changing penalty rate on past due utility bills.
f. Approve City Clerk and Treasurer to attend Adanvced Municipal Finance meeting on
January 24, 2009
g. Sign letter of intent from Gudenkauf and Malone City Auditors.
6. New Business
a. Chamber Investment
b. Approve Airport hanger leases
c. Adopt Standard Traffic ordinance
d. Adopt Uniform Public Offense Code
e. KMIT Insurance Premium
f. KMEA Mutual Aid Agreement
h. Bowl Plaza Architectural Agreement
i. Financial Review
7. Monthly report from City Employees
a. Gary Bretz b. James Rezabek c. Bill Harlow d. Julie Bretz e. Kay Mettlen
8. Approval of expenses presented for payment
9. Other Business if any
10. Committee Reports: Utilities, Personnel, Streets, Parks, Industrial Development
11. Executive Session: Non-Elected Personnel