Friday, March 18, 2011

Minutes March 8, 2011 Regular Meeting & NRP Hearing

MARCH 8, 2011
7:00 PM
David Urban
COUNCIL: Tarry Dougherty, Gary Bretz, James Rezabek, Julie Bretz, Kay Mettlen
OTHERS PRESENT TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Marshall Madill - representing Continental Western Insurance Group
CITIZENS PRESENT TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Lois Cooper - representing - North Star Realty
CITIZENS PRESENT: Doug Kressly, Jera Kressly, Doug Hickman, Jennifer Bates, Sue Wenthe
7:00 PM Mayor David Urban called the meeting to order and opened the Public Hearing on the proposed Neighborhood Revitalization Plan.
7:03 PM City Attorney Ken Cole and Tammy Hower arrived at the meeting. The previous Neighborhood Revitalization Plan was compared to the one currently proposed.
7:07 PM Mayor Urban closed the public hearing. Tammy Seirer moved to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2011 meeting as written. Tarry Dougherty seconded the moiton. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:08 PM Marshall Madill of Continental Western Insurance Group addressed the Councl. Continental Western Insurance insures municipalities with a population of less than 15,000. He compared the coverage offered by his company to the City's current property, liability and workeman's comprehensive policy. He submitted a proposal to the Council.
7:34 PM Marshall Madill left the meeting.
7:25 PM Jera Kressley asked the council for permission to use the City Park the weekend of the Labor Day to hold a Highland Games event. They would use the baseball field portion of the park and some of the north end of the park. Expectations would be for approximately 20 athletes to participate, each athlete would sign a waiver of liability and all cost would be paid through entrance fees. Sheree Herold moved to allow closing the necessary area of the park for the Highland Games, on September 3, 2011, contingent on City Attorney Ken Cole's approval of the waiver form for the athletes. Tammy Serier seconded the motion. Motion passed with 5 yes votes.
7:40 PM Lois Cooper reported she is still working with a prospective buyer for the Golden Living Center property.
7:42 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to have Mayor Urban present an inter-local agreement to the USD 299 School Board and the Russell County Comissioners allowing for the 75% reduction on taxes as outlined in the 2011 Revitalization Plan for the City of Lucas. Kenny Cain seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:59 PM Utility rate review was tabled until the April Council meeting.
8:23 PM Mayor David Urban had an inquiry from Heath Barta about law enforecment for the City. The Council wants to visit with Heath Barta, no action was taken.
8:28 PM Discussion on the Ambulance shed was next on the agenda. Mayor Urban asked if the City would pay the utilities, maintenance and upkeep on the building into the future. No action was taken.
8:32 PM Tammy Seirer moved to have a City wide clean up this spring. Items are to be set out at the curb the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of May and the City crew will be picking up on the 4th, 5th and 6th. Kenny Cain seconded the motion. Moiton carried 5 yes votes. City Clerk was instructed to put a notice in the paper, place notices in the utility billings, contact Russell County about reduced rate for trash disposal and check with Acme Iron about getting a dumpster for metal.
8:38 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to renew Lois Cooper's contract on selling the Golding Living Center property for an additional 6 months, the contract is to be a non-exclusive. Sheree Herold seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
8:42:PM Gary Bretz told the Council the City crew put in 21 hours working on the in-kind labor portion of the Cities contribution to the Bowl Plaza. Most of the electrical work they put in at the request of the Director of the Art Center had to be removed so the mosaic panels would fit.
8:43 PM James Rezabek reported that repairs are on-going at the nitrate plant. At the request of the Mayor Kansas Rural Water Association was called to check the levels in the City wells. Their report was that the levels are all good at this time. Gary Ward had no report.
8:48 PM Julie Bretz reported the levels of the water wells are good. Tammy Serier moved the City Clerk place an ad for summer help in the paper the weeks of March 14 and March 21, 2011. The age and other qualifications will be the same as last year and the hours are to be 20 plus hours per week. Applications shall be submitted before April 12, 2011. Sheree Herold seconded the motion which carried with 5 yes votes. The energy efficient flourescent bulbs have all been sold to utility customers.
8:54 PM Kay Mettlen reported the pet clinic will be held on Saturday April 9, 2011 and letters have been sent to remind dog owners who had licenses last year.
8:56 PM Trent Leach moved to approve bills as presented. Tammy Seirer seconded, motion carried 5 yes votes. Mayor David Urban said he has talked to Russell Yarnell about plans to lower the sewer lagoons using irrigation. State requirements include providing them with a copy of the specifications on the pump that will be used and a letter of permission from landowners if applicable.
8:59 PM A printed report on the Bowl Plaza from Rosslyn Schultz was reviewed.
9:07 PM Kenny Cain reported he had spoken to one past due utility customer.
9:09 PM Tammy Seirer, Tarry Dougherty, and Sheree Herold had no report. Trent Leach said the Lions Club inquired about the City painting the bare boards on the awning over the bleachers at the ballfield. Mayor David Urban asked the City crew to see what could be done and if the treated wood could be painted.
9:12 PM Tammy Seirer moved to adjourn the meeting. Tarry Dougherty seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Agenda for March 8, 2011 Regular Meeting & NRP Public Hearing

Date: March 9, 2011
1. Call to order 7:00 PM
2. Public Hearing on Neighborhood Revitalization Plan
3. Approval of Minutes from the February 8, 2011 Regular Council Meeting
4. Others bringing business before the Council - Rosslyn Schultz representing the Bowl Plaza
5. Citizens bringing business before the Council
6. Old Business

a. Golden Living Center Update
b. Neighborhood Revitalization Update
c. Utility Rates
7. New Business
a. Law Enforcement
b. Ambulance Shed
c. City Wide Clean Up Day
d. Real Estate Agency Contract
8. Monthly Report from City Employees: a. Gary Bretz b. James Rezabek c. Gary Ward d. Julie Bretz e. Kay Mettlen
9. Approval of expenses presented for payment
10. Other Business, if any
11. Commmittee Reports: Utilities, Personnel, Streets, Parks, Industrial Development