Monday, October 10, 2011

Mintues of July 27, 2011 Special Meeting Lucas City Council

JULY 27, 2011

7:00 PM
MAYOR: Jennifer Bates
COUNCIL: Tarry Dougherty, Sheree Herold, Trent Leach and Sue Wenthe
EMPLOYEES: Gary Bretz and Kay Mettlen
7:00 PM Mayor Jennifer Bates called the Special Meeting to order. The Special meeting was called at the request of the following three Council Members - Sheree Herold, Tarry Dougherty and Tammy Seirer. Agenda items were 1. Street Maintance Materials Purchase 2. Park Equipment. Tammy Seirer moved to purchase three loads of 1/2 inch rock at a price not to exceed $2,400.00. Sue Wenthe seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:09 PM Tammy Seirer moved to approve an additional $264.00 to the $3,500.00 approved at the July 12, 2011 Concil Meeting to purchase playground equipment for the City Park. Funds for the playground equipment are to come from the McCrystal Trust Revenues. Tarry Dougherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
7:13 PM Sue Wenthe moved to adjourn. Tarry Dougherty seconded. Moiton carreid 5 yes votes.

Minutes for Special Meeting July 20, 2011

JULY 20, 2011
5:00 PM

MAYOR: Jennifer Bates
COUNCIL: Tarry Dougherty, Sheree Herold, Tammy Seirer, Trent Leach, and Sue Wenthe
OTHERS PRESENT TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: Katrina Woelk and Stephanie Dunn - Gudenkauf and Malone
CITIZENS PRESENT: Douglas Hickman and Lois Cooper
5:00 PM Mayor Jennifer Bates called the Special Meeeting to order. The Special meeting was called at the request of the following three Council Members - Sheree Herold, Tarry Dougherty and Sue Wenthe. Agenda Items were 1. 2012 Budget and 2. Sign Corporate Resolution.
5:05 PM Tammy Seirer moved to accept the Corporate Resolution with Bennington State Bank giving signature authority to the Mayor, all Council Members and the City Treasurer and instruct the Council Members to sign the documents. Sue Wenthe seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
5:07 PM Council discussed changes to the proposed 2012 budget with Katrina Woelk and Stephanie Dunn. Approximately $17,000 is brought into the General Fund yearly from the 1/2 cent sals tax collected in Russell County. This revenue must be deposited in the General Fund and is to be utilizd for Economic Development or public infrastructure. Tarry Dougherty moved to recduce the mill levy for Industrial Development to .25 mills and move 2.5 mills from the Industrial Development levy to the General Fund levy and transfer $13,000 from the General Fund to the Industrial Development Fund and eleminate the $4,000 transfer from Electric to Industrial Development. Sheree Herold seconded. Motion carried, 5 yes votes.
5:30 PM Sheree Herold moved to set up a Water Reserve Fund, Electric Reserve Fund and a Sewer Reserve Fund by moving $2,000 from Capital outlay in each fund to a reserve fund for that utility. Tarry Dougherty seconded, motion caarried 5 yes votes.
6:10 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to publish the proposed budget and set August 9, 2011 at 7:00 at the Lucas Golden Age Center as the date and time for the budget hearing. Tammy Seirer seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.
6:11 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to adjourn the meeting. Sue Wenthe seconded. Motion carried 5 yes votes.