Monday, May 18, 2009

Council Minutes: April 14, 2009 Regular Meeting

April 14, 2009
7:00 PM
Page 1

MAYOR: Jennifer Bates
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Kay Marshall, Alvin Barta, Barry Maupin, Trent Leach and Sheree Ward Herold.
EMPLOYEES: Julie Bretz, Gary Bretz, James rezabek, Ken Cole-City Attorney
CITIZENS PRESENT: Dawn Bricker, Jessica Rhudolphy, Alicia Serier, Tammy Seirer, Lyn Leach, Jan Zamecnik, Rosie Cowan, Erick Abraham, Tresa finch, Linda Brant, Connie Dougherty, Kenneth Cain, Douglas Hickman, Bill Schneider, David Urban, Richard Urban and Connie Urban.
OTHERS PRESENT: Steve and Rosslyn Schultz, Jack and Eileen Yarnell and Peg Gilbert
7:00 PM Mayor Jennifer Bates called the meeting of the Lucas City Council to order by asking for changes or additions to the agenda. Julie Bretz, City Clerk asked that the minutes from the Special Council Meeting held on April 4 2009 be added for approval. Item G. Cleaning the ditch was also added under old business.
7:05 PM Corrections to the Minutes of the 3-10-2009 Regular Council Meeting included changing a dollar sign to a number sign on page #2 and change the spelling of consumer on page #3. Kay Marshall made a motion to approve the Minutes of the 3-10-2009 Regular Council Meeting with corrections, and the Minutes of the 4-2-2009 and the 4-09-2009 Special Meetings be approved. Sheree Ward Herold seconded the motion. There were 5 yes votes.
7:06 PM Lynn Schneider gave the first quarter report for the Chamber of Commerce. She reported on fund raisers the Chamber has been doing. Mayor Bates interrupted the report to ask Ken Cole if video recording the meeting was allowed. Ken cole said it can be done as long as the Council approved. The Council was generally OK with the filming. Lynn told Council Toby Dougherty picked up a Life magazine, called Life-Hidden America, in Washington, D.C. and there was an article on the Garden of Eden in it.
7:12 PM Under Old Business, Rosslyn Schultz gave a Bowl Plaza update. She suggested a committee be formed of 2 Councilmen and 2 Lucas Arts and Humanities Representatives to iron out details. Approximately $4,135.00 has been pledged so far towards the upkeep of the Bowl Plaza. Nine people volunteered to check the restrooms. An insurance quote from Greg Heinze in the amount of $788.00 per year, insuring the building for $80,000 with 80% replacement cost. The Art Center will keep up the artwork. Money from the McCrystal Family trust and from the 1/2 cent sales tax were discussed for use in the future up-keep of the building.
7:55 PM Kay marshall made a motion to accept the gift of the lot, to be donated by Jack and Eileen Yarnell, to be jointly owned by the city of Lucas and the Lucas Arts and Humanities Council, Inc., with a signed legal operating contract, with details to be agreeed upon at a later date. Barry Maupin seconded the motion. The motion passed with Alvin Barta voting no. Bill Schneider, Tess McKnight, Eric Abraham, Rosie Cowan, Peg Gilbert, Jan Zamecnik, Steve and Rosslyn Schultz left. City electrical position was removed from the agenda.
8:04 PM Bill Harlow arrived.
8:09 PM Kansas Partnership Loan was next on the agenda. Julie Bretz told the council there would be no penalties for early pay off of the loan. The loan is for $100,000.00 with a current interest rate of 2.375%. Doug Hickman told the council the 2009 rates may be much lower, based on the Federal Reserve rate. Barry Maupin made a motion to accept the Kansas Partnership Loan in the amount of $100,000.00 for 5 years. Kay Mashall seconded the motion. The motion carried 5 yes votes.
8:19 PM Chris Leach left the meeting. The Council discussed cleaning the ditch, north of
First and Kansas Streets. The ditch is 6.5 feet wide with tree limbs hanging over the right of way. The branches need to be removed so equipment can be brought in to clean the ditch. Rich Nelson's estimate for the cleaning is $2,500.00. Kay Mashall made a motion to hire Rich Nelson not to exceed $2,500.00 to clean the ditch. Kay Marshall made a friendly amendment to the motion not to exceed $2,000.00. Trent Leach seconded the motion. There were 5 yes votes.
8:31 PM Swearing of new Council Members was next on the agenda. Julie Bretz explained that certification could not be received from the county clerk's office due to the possibility of a recount up until 5:00 PM on april 14th. New members will be sworn in at the next regular meeting.
8PM:34 Financial Review was the next item. The budgeted transfer from Electricc to Industrial Development of $9,700.00 will need to be done. The Industrial Development Fund is over budget due to the purchase of the Rest Home. An amendment to the budget will need to be done before the end of the year. Barry Maupin made a moiton to make the budgeted transfer of $9,700.00 from the Electric Fund to the Industrial Development fund. Sheree Herold seconded the motion. There were 5 yes votes.
8:45 PM Summer help was next on the agenda. An ad in the Lucas Paper was discussed to include duties of mowing, week eating and painting from mid-May through August 31, 2009, 18 or over, for up to 30 hours per week. A deadline for accepting applications was set for May 1, 2009.
8:55 PM Spring clean up is usually the week before Mother's Day. Trent Leach made a motion to place an ad in the Lucas Paper stating items are be put out on May 1st thru 3rd and pick-up of items will be May 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. Alvin Barta seconded. The motion carried with 5 yes votes. Ordering free trees was discussed. Council decided to wait.
9:10 PM The Small Customer Energy Plan was discussed. Barry Maupin made a motion to approve the Small Customer Energy Plan. Kay Marshall seconded the motion. It passed with 5 yes votes.
9:12 PM The date for the regular May Council Meeting is confliciting with a school activity. Sheree Herold made a motion to move the regular May Council Meeting to May 13, 2009. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. There were 5 yes votes.
9:14 PM the Pride Resolution was the next item. Trent Leach made a motion to adopt the Pride Resolution #09-03 for 2009. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. It passed with 5 yes votes.
9:19 PM EMC master Insurance Policy was next. Julie Bretz told Council the bill was received from EMC after the last meeting. A minimum payment was made of $1544.91 because of the 04-01-09 deadline. Kay Marshall made a motion to pay EMC Insurance not more than $18,244.00 for 2009. trent Leach seconded. The motion carried with 5 yesses.
9:24 PM The tornado siren from Great Bend was the next item to be duscussed. Barry Maupin made a motion to accept the free tornado siren and replace the old one on the water tower. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. There were 5 yes votes.
9:29 PM Pioneer Country Development dues for 2009 are $200.00 Trent Leach made a motion to pay the 2009 dues. Kay Marshall seconded. There were 5 yes votes.
9:32 PM Gary Bretz quoted asphalt prices and told the Council he would like to get one truck load to start with from the County. Trent Leach made a moiton to purchase one truck load of asphalt not to exceed 16 tons. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. It passed with 5 yes votes. Stret sweeping was discussed. the alley off of Greeley, parallel between Walton and first Streets was discussed. It was decided to put millings on it. The School has a water leak on the City's side.
9:42 PM James Rezabek will wait to turn more water valves until he has help available in case of leaks. He questioned when baseball season starts. Transformers at the ballpark will need to be changed out prior to any night games being played.
9:44 PM Bill Harlow reported on the Wye System. One truck load of free electrical poles was hauled. Alvin Barta made a moiotn to get another load of the free poles from Clay Center. Barry Maupin seconded. There were 5 yes votes.
9:53 PM Julie Bretz told Council the money for the extra lot on Walton Stret was received from Jera Keressley. Ken Cole will draw up an agreement. Bill Harlow left the meeting. Trent Leach made a motion to approve the expenses presented for payment. Alvin Barta seconded the motion. There were 5 yeses.
9:57 PM Trent Leach reported on Streets. Larry Hight from Russell County came and asssessed the City's streets and offered ideas for repairs. The County will apply oil to our streets, at no charge, if we purchase the oil from them. The County will also clean out the ditxh at Kansas and Harvest Streets. The situation at the Methodist Church parking lot was also discussed. Kay Marshall told Council she turned her Industrial Development information over to Lois Cooper.
10:04 PM Kay Marshall made a motion to go into Executive Session for Non-Elected Personnel for 20 minutes starting at 10:10 PM. Barry Maupin seconded the Motion. 5 yes votes were cast. Ken Cole remained for the Executive Session.
10:10PM Executive Session.
10:31 PM Council exited Executive Session. No action was taken. Alvin Barta made a motion to adjourn. Sheree Herold seconded. Motion carried with 5 yes votes.

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