Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Council Minutes: August 10, 2010 Regular Meeting/Budget Hearing

August 10, 2010
7:00 PM
David Urban
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Tammy Seirer, Tarry Dougherty, Kenny Cain, Sheree Herold
EMPLOYEES: Gary Bretz, Kay Mettlen
7:00 PM Mayor David Urban opened the Budget Hearing and asked if there were any coments or questions from the public. Doug Hickman commented that the $1,000.00 the Council voted to transfer to the Library was not included in the published budget. No action was taken.
7:10 PM Mayor David Urban closed the Budget Hearing and informed those present the Regular Council Meeting would resume at the Civic center.
7:17 PM Gary Ward, James Rezabek, Bill Harolw, John Rhudolph, Jessica Rhudolph and Dawn Bricker arrived at the meeting. Mayor Urban resumed the meeting and asked if there were any corrections or additions to the minutes of the July 13, 2010 and July 15, 2010 Regular Meetings and the July 20, 2010 Special meeting. Attorney Ken cole said that in the July 20, 2010 Special Meeting a reason had to be stated for each Executive Session. Tammy Seirer asked that a clarification be made to the 8:04 PM entry on the July 13, 2010 meeting. Kenny Cain moved that the minuts be approved with these corrections. Sheree Herold seconded, motion carried 4 yes votes.
7:22 PM Dawn Bricker asked about weed control and mowing within the City. Mayor Urban said there is an Ordinance stating that if weeds are over 12 inches tall a letter is sent asking the property owner or tenant to mow. If mowing is not done in 10 days the City will mow the property and bill the tenant or landowner for the mowing.
7:23 PM A report of funds disbersed on the Bowl Plaza project was given to the Council.
7:25 PM Sheree Herold has spoken to Earl Zweifel and he will draw up plans for the library and would then want them certified by an architect. Doug Hickmam said the Library Board will review the original sketch for the Library and get back to the Council with any changes they might want to make.
7:27 PM It was determined that awnings on the dugouts at the ballfield would obstruct the view of the field from the bleachers. Council will not proceed with dugout awnings at this time. The installation of a barricade between the dugouts and the parking areas was discussed. The Mayor commented that the awnings over the bleachers worked well during K-18 State Tournament.
7:31 PM The realtor contract with North Star Realty on the Golden Living Center expires today, August 10, 2010. After discussion by the Council, no action was taken on renewal of the contract. Possible incentives that could be offered to an approved buyer for the Golden Living Center were discussed. No action was taken.
7:50 PM The League of Kansas Municipalities Annual conference will be held in Overland Park on October 9 to October 12, 2010. Mayor David Urban asked if any of the Council would be interested in going. Decision was tabled until the September 14, 2010 meeting.
7:54 PM Kenny Cain moved and Tarry Dougherty seconded to approve the 2011 budget as published. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
7:55 PM Tammy Seirer moved and Kenny Cain seconded to approve the bill from Heinze and Associates for the Bond on the City Clerk and Treasurer.
7:56 PM Gary Bretz reported that Fifth Street has been resurfaced. The City Crew would like to do South Fairview from 1st to 2nd Street if time and weather allows. The summer help will be leaving on September 13, 2010. The Council mentioned cracks in the Main street surface. The hydraulic pump went out on the IHC truck and was replaced. The IHC truck neds considerable repairs and a replacement should be sought. Council asked the crew to look into State Surplus vehicles that might be a good replacement.
8:07 PM James Rezabek reported citizens that are concerned about the City trapping cats. The Ordinance reads that all felines are to have a collar on in the City Limits. Attorney Ken Cole said there should be no problem with trapping as long as the captured felines are placed in someone's care and not abandoned. Repair parts are needed for the Nitate Plant. Some relays have been ordered. Tammy Seirer moved to approve $1,000.00 in parts to be ordered for the Nitrate Plant. Tarry Dougherty seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 yes votes. There is a service tech from Pennsylvania that can come out if the repairs do not correct the problem.
8:18 PM Bill Harlow asked what is being planned to be done with the property at 1st and Kansas that was burned several years ago. Council will contact the owner to learn his plans for the property.
8:52 PM Money has been received on one of the past due utility bills that were sent to the State Set Off program. Another past due account has been put on the Set Off List. Council was informed that there will be a charge of $450.00 connection fees for USD 299 to connect all the utility hookups for the school buildings. Tammuy Seirer moved and Sheree Herold seconded to approve the bills as presented for payment. Motion carried 4 yes votes.
8:35 PM Mayor David Urban asked the Council for permission to let the Fire Department use the Ford tractor to load bleachers to take to the Mud run on Sseptember 4, 2010. Council approved the request.
8:36 PM Kenny Cain will get brochures from the Kansas Power Pool with information on ways to make homes more energy efficient.
8:37 PM Tammy Seirer asked when the tornado siren located by the school will be in operation. The City Crew said it is operating at this time.
8:38 PM Tarry Dougherty reported he had toured the Golden Living Center facility and found it to be in need of a general cleaning and bug extermination. He has bids for steam cleaning the carper and spraying for insects. Council will meet at the Civic Center on September 14, 2010 at 6:00 PM and will tour the Golden Living Center as a group before a decision is made on Dougherty's suggestions. Report from the City Crew is that the garden plot behind the Golden Living Center has been mowed and trimmed.
8:46 PM Tarry Dougherty moved to adjourn the meeting. Kenny Cain seconded. Motion carried 4 yes votes.

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